Sep 8, 2008

Primary Day in NH is Tomorrow!

[sigh....] tomorrow is the primary for NH and while the Republican party has some challengers to the incumbents there is not any such luck for the Democrats.  In fact, the Dems keep a pretty low profile around this corner of Rockingham County, while the Grand Old Party has taken over one of the old municipal buildings and blossomed literally onto route 33 with banners and signs attached to just about everything that is not moving.  And a few trucks that do, on occasion.

Nearby is Frank's Furniture, proud owner of the second-highest flag pole in town.  I am wishing the Flag Police would come down from Portsmouth and cite them today:  their old glory is split in two, and both pieces' ends are in tatters.

Who knows if their new neighbors might offer some help - perhaps a needle and thread?

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